Customer Testimonials

See what our most recent customers have to say about our solar installation services throughout central Ohio.

"We had Brandon install our solar system and could not be happier. I had been thinking about adding solar for awhile and even though I had done quite a bit of research Brandon was extremely helpful with information about what I could expect for the installation. We had 12 solar panels installed in 2019 with the expectation of adding more later. Brandon installed everything we would need for future expansion. We were happy with the results and added 24 more panels in 2020. Even with the pandemic Brandon was able to schedule the installation in a timely manner. If you are considering a solar installation you cannot go wrong with Brandon. He does excellent work and will not try to over sell your needs."

David & Patsy Hickle - Hebron, Ohio

"Brandon installed a 22-panel solar configuration on our roof in 2019. He was very knowledgeable and took time to answer our questions and help us to select the best set-up for our needs. I received other quotes, and Brandon was the most affordable with the best value. Being an electrician by trade, I was very impressed with the electrical work and attention to detail. Two years out and we are still very happy with our purchase. Brandon is one of the most honest, nicest and hard-working guys out there. We were happy to support a local business, and I highly recommend his services."

Ron Davis - Newark, Ohio

"This last year (2020) Brandon installed a solar system and backup generator for us. Brandon was very easy to work with and answered all of our questions. I cant say enough about the quality of his work and his knowledge of solar power."

Sam & Angela Parsons - Marion, Ohio